
If you are looking for a therapist or treatment centre ...

findhelp.co.za is the simplest way to find a therapist. With a comprehensive list of mental health practitioners at your fingertips, you can search by area, profession or problem. Results display practitioners' contact and location information, as well as their interests and working styles – helping you to select and contact the therapist who best suits your needs.

findhelp.co.za also lists clinics and treatment centres that offer more comprehensive care for patients needing intensive treatment. Those suffering from addiction, eating disorders and severe psychiatric conditions are often well suited to impatient care. These clinics can also be very helpful to those who or are a risk to themselves including suicidal thoughts and behaviour and self harming. Results include a list of centres and the patients they serve.

If you are a practitioner or treatment centre ...

findhelp.co.za was designed as an online directory and credible referral network for mental health care practitioners and psychiatric clinics/treatment centres. Signing up is quick and simple, giving you a professional web profile that is well designed, user-friendly and optimised for online exposure.

“Psychology helps to measure the probability that an aim is attainable.”

— Edward Thorndike