We found 3 therapists for you.
If you are a scientific-minded individual, cognitive behavioral therapy will more than likely appeal to you. It is an evidence-based psycho-social approach towards improving mental health that adopts a practical and hands-on approach to dealing with problems.
So if you are battling with any mental condition that is impacting your life negatively, CBT might be just the thing to help you work through this trying time. Find Help has qualified CBT practitioners in Cape, Jo’burg, Pretoria and Durban, so there’s a cognitive behavioral therapist near you to help.
Find Help has caring and experienced cognitive behavioural therapists in Johannesburg and Pretoria, as well as in Cape Town and Durban.
Cognitive behavioural therapy, commonly referred to as CBT, is a branch of psychotherapeutic treatment that specifically sets out to help people identify disturbing thought patterns that negatively impact their lives by affecting their emotions and behaviour. Having helped the patient to gain these insights, the therapist then uses a very hands-on approach to work closely with the patient to devise a course of cognitive behavioral therapy that aims to replace these automatic negative thought patterns with more objective, rational and realistic thoughts. To help the patient do this, the cognitive behavioral therapist will usually employ various therapeutic strategies like relaxation techniques, role-playing, mental distractions and/or keeping a journal.
Cognitive behavioural therapies all target and deal with thought patterns that underlie and contribute to the patients psychological problems and distress. It employs a range of strategies, but there are four main therapeutic approaches that can be identified: REBT or Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy focuses on, firstly, identifying irrational beliefs that the patient holds. It then actively challenges those beliefs. Thirdly, it works with the patient to recognize and change these destructive thought patterns. This very effective approach was created by an American psychologist, Albert Ellis, in1955, and has been one of the mainstays of CBT ever since.
DBT or Dialectical Behaviour Therapy deals with thought patterns and resultant behaviours by adopting mental strategies such as mindfulness to regulate and control emotions. Cognitive Therapy focuses on identifying and then altering distorted, inaccurate and confused thinking patterns, and their emotional responses and resultant behaviours. MultiModal Therapy (MMT) was developed by Arnold Lazarus, who coined the term. It is based on the premise that psychological issues are based on seven interconnected modalities, and must be treated accordingly. These seven modalities can be remembered by the acronym BASIC ID, and are behavior, affect, sensation, imagery, cognition, interpersonal factors, and drug and biological considerations.
CBT is a behavioral therapy that has proven effective in dealing with a wide range of conditions like depression, disorders related to anxiety, panic attacks, drug and alcohol problems, sleep disorders, phobias, eating disorders, grief, and even in dealing with chronic pain. CBT therapy is generally not of very long duration, so generally more affordable, yet it will empower you to deal with problem areas in your life. It is a less ‘invasive’ therapy than analytical therapies, so better suited to people who shy away from that. It also requires that the patient is an active participant in the process which adds to the feeling of empowerment the patient experiences. There is also nothing elitist or arcane about it - the theory and practice that underpins CBT is practical and generally easy to understand and take on board.
CBT tells us that our feelings and behaviours are derived from and informed by our thoughts. It is a very goal- and problem-oriented therapy that focuses on dealing with the patient’s problems in the here and now, rather than engaging in lengthy analyses of the past. Therefore CBT is known for its quick results. It also actively engages both therapist and patient, and emphasizes that the patient is responsible for the therapeutic outcome. So by making use of our cognitive behavioural therapy near you, our therapist can help you understand that often you can change problems in your life by simply changing your thoughts. Patients generally see this as an achievable goal, and therefore less daunting.
Choosing a therapist is a highly personal matter, but practical considerations also come into it, like is the therapist accessible to you? Find Help can guide you in this regard because we have cognitive behavioral therapists in Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban, Pretoria, and across South Africa.
You should also establish the fee structure of the therapist as this could be significant. It is also possible that behavioral therapy for children might be charged differently from adults. You may also have a preference regarding the gender of the therapist; you might feel more comfortable consulting with a woman for instance, and our website will inform you in this regard.
But most importantly, you must be comfortable with your therapist. Find Help only lists caring, qualified and highly competent therapists that are registered with the [Health Professions Council of South Africa](/directory/health professions council of south africa], but if you don’t establish a personal rapport with them, it would be advisable to go to someone else. Our Find Help website will again be able to help you here.
If you feel that you will be able to derive more benefit from seeing a different type of psychologist, our Find Help website is again the place to go to. For instance, if you are looking for help with a child that has learning difficulties at school, our site will inform you about [educational therapists](/directory/educational therapists]. Likewise if you are looking for couples counselling, or psychologists specifically dealing with [addiction](/directory/addiction], schizophrenia, sexuality and gender, family relationships, trauma, or fertility related issues, Find Help aims to make the process simple and straightforward.
We’ve put together a list of questions to help you find out whether a cognitive behavioural therapist is in fact what you’re looking for.
We have qualified and experienced cognitive behavioural therapists situated across South Africa, including: - Cognitive behavioural therapists in Durban - Cognitive behavioural therapists in Johannesburg - Cognitive behavioural therapists in Pretoria - Cognitive behavioural therapists in Cape Town
Looking for a cognitive behavioural therapist near me? You’ll find them right here!
Your potential cognitive behavioural therapist will give you an idea of what to expect during your initial session or consultation. All Find Help’s CBT counselors are experienced at putting their patients at ease, and excel at helping them feel comfortable and relaxed!
Absolutely. Any information you share with your cognitive behavioural therapist will be entirely confidential.
Standard sessions average around 45 minutes, but therapists may allocate different lengths for younger and older patients.
Many of our cognitive behavioural therapists are happy to conduct online sessions, especially where distance is a problem. Most of our cognitive behavioural therapists are located in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Pretoria and Durban, but several are located outside of city centres as well.
Yes. All Find Help’s cognitive behavioural therapists are qualified and registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa. If you have any more questions about CBT therapy, please get in touch with us - we would be more than happy to assist.