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Wondering whether a counselling psychologist is right for you? Read on to find out. If you need a supportive environment in which you can voice your concerns and try to function better in your relationships, personal life, or at work, then a counseling psychologist could be the answer. A counseling psychologist helps you (or your dependent) manage emotional and behavioural issues by diagnosing and assessing your problems, either treating you with their own expertise, or referring you to the expert you need. Their focus is on psychological symptoms, but their overall goal is to support you. They don’t seek to confront or judge you on your issues, but rather to give you a safe place to express yourself and get help. We all face emotional challenges, and seeing a counseling psychologist near you can go a long way to helping you live a happier, more balanced life. Find Help offers excellent counselling psychologists in Cape Town, Durban, Pretoria, Johannesburg and across South Africa.
While counseling psychologists may employ a range of techniques to help their patients, it’s most defining feature is one-on-one interaction or talk therapy. In broad terms, they are a health provider with expertise in psychology, who helps patients function better in their social or personal lives no matter their age or occupation. Though different counseling psychologists may have specialized expertise, most have experience working with people of all ages and demographics. They work mostly with individual clients, but can also provide sessions for groups such as families or couples seeking relationship counseling. Many of Find Help’s experienced counselling psychologists also have experience with innovative evidence-based forms of therapy like CBT (Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy), Mindfulness exercises, and RET (Rational Emotive Therapy). These techniques can provide their clients with valuable tools and coping skills they will benefit from their whole lives, not just while they’re seeing their therapist.
Counseling psychologists conduct an evaluation in their initial session to determine the scope and kind of help you need. They have many specialized skills that help them improve their patients’ lives. The main one is, of course, psychotherapy (also called talk therapy) with individual and group counseling. This also includes trauma management and crisis intervention for individuals and families. When a death affects an entire family, a counseling psychologist can offer help to everyone at once and incorporate their dynamic into their counseling procedures. Counseling psychologists don’t just talk, however: they are also trained in assessing and diagnosing psychological disorders, and identifying which patients may need additional assistance in the form of medication or substance abuse treatment. In these cases, they may refer you to a trusted psychiatrist, hospital or treatment center to ensure you get the help you need. If you're looking for a supportive therapist near you, then Find Help can connect you with counselling psychologists in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Durban, Cape Town and across South Africa.
Counseling psychologists cover many areas in their work. Here are some of the scenarios in which you might find their services useful. Career and school guidance: Counseling psychology is a popular solution to problems with work. Many people have trouble adjusting to the transitions between school, work, and career, and a counseling psychologist has expertise in helping you with these changes. Relationships and Family: Like marriage counselors, counseling psychologists can also help you with your relationship issues. This could entail your relationship with your spouse but may be limited to broader family issues. Stress, anxiety, and major life events: The therapy expertise of counseling psychologists allows them to help you with stress management as well, as you try to cope with stressful events in your life, including a death in the family, a chronic illness, or a sudden disability. Children and Teens: Children and adolescents who have identity issues or learning and attention problems could also benefit from this type of counseling psychology. Organisational and Team psychology: They also have expertise in helping people mend relationships and with workplace groups who need to better manage issues with their dynamic. This includes consultation on an organization-level as well, helping teams of employees with their personal issues as they relate to the productivity of their work.
You should consider counseling psychology if you are feeling like your life is out of your control because of a mental issue or relationship problem. If a disease or disability is affecting your ability to work or have a relationship, a counselling psychologist may be able to help you work through your issue. Our distinguished counselling psychologists in Durban, Cape Town, Johannesburg and Pretoria can also assist with stress management and organizational improvements, including adjusting to changes in work or school. If you’re an adult worker or student with any of these issues, a counselling psychologist could be a huge help. You should also consider counseling psychology as the parent of a child with some of these issues, such as in decision-making, career and subject choices, stress management, and learning skills. Counseling psychologists are experienced with clients of all ages and will be able to help your child.
The main benefit of seeing a counselling psychologist is having an ally by your side who can help you set goals, identify hurdles, and overcome personal challenges. If your goal is to improve your ability to cope with life changes and organize your life, this is one possible benefit. You could also experience improvements in your confidence and your relationships, which can trickle down to all aspects of your life. You may also be a student (or the parent of one) that needs help with social adjustment skills, developing identity, dealing with mental disorders, or better organizing your life. Any of these could be benefits of counseling psychology if you find the right psychologist to help you deal with your personal adjustments, disabilities, life events, or disorders.
As counselling psychologists frequently specialise in particular types of therapy, it’s possible to search for one based on your individual needs. Some may offer group and family therapy as a speciality, while others tend to work with children and teenagers. Some are more experienced than others in crisis intervention and helping people manage trauma. If you're looking for a therapist for yourself, consider whether you’d feel more comfortable dealing with a male or female counselling psychologist. This can narrow down the field, before you home in on the specific issue you're looking for support with. Remember that many of Find Help’s counselling psychologists in Pretoria, Cape Town, Joburg, Durban and across South Africa have been working for decades, so the experience they’ve built up is extensive!
Because of the broad spectrum of needs counselling psychologists can assist with, they’re an excellent choice for anyone looking for general emotional support and guidance. In most cases, they’ll be more than capable of handling whatever you need to throw at them! However, there are times when the services of a specialist may suit your unique situation better. For example, complex psychological disorders such as schizophrenia and personality disorders may be better addressed by a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist. And while a counselling psychologist can provide some expertise on marital issues, finding a marriage counselor may be preferable in some instances. In addition, while counseling psychologists work across many age groups, as a parent may prefer to find a therapist who works primarily with [children](/search?q=children]. Find Help offers a range of mental health professionals and services to consider: - Support Groups - Social workers - Psychiatrists - Clinical Psychologists - Psychometrists - Educational Psychologists - Occupational Therapists - Addiction Treatment Centres
Below, we’ve put together a list of questions to help you find out whether counseling psychology is what you’re looking for.
Your initial session and consultation will help you assess your needs and allow your counseling psychologist to plan your goals for your future sessions. They can also refer you to an expert if they feel that this is what you need.
Information you share with your counseling psychologist will be kept confidential unless your counselor thinks there’s a danger you may hurt yourself or others. They want to provide you a safe environment to voice your concerns and they want you to feel supported, so what you tell them will stay between you.
Sessions typically last around 45 minutes, although this may vary between different counselling psychologists and practices.
The majority of Find Help’s counseling psychologists can make online sessions available for their patients. If you find yourself far from the specific counselling psychologist you’d like to see, you can keep your appointment schedule with online sessions.
All Find Help’s amazing counselling psychologists in South Africa hold BPsych or Master’s Degrees in Psychology, and are registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa. Please [contact us](/contact] if you’re looking for more information on our counseling psychologists, or guidance on finding the right mental health professional for you.